Lion Shepherd

Lion Shepherd is the new musical brainchild of Kamil Haidar i Mateusz Owczarek, earlier known for their work in the group ‘Maqama’. These are musicians connected, until now, with the world of rock and metal, who have undertaken an entirely new enterpris and decided to release their fascination with ethnic and acoustic music. The group’s sound oscillates around world music, trance, and has strongly identifiable Middle Eastern influences, yet is also laced with rock, blues and progressive resonance. The first official album release, ‘HIRAETH’, came out in Poland on 25th September 2015; on it you can hear the Arabian lute, the Persian dulcimer, Indian percussion, and Yemenian and Iranian vocals. Recording sessions featured not only Polish-born musicans but those from Arabia and Persia. Among these were Jahiar Irani, Rasm Al Mashan, Sławek Berny, Wojciech Ruciński, Samuel Owczarek, Radosław Kordowski. On the 15th October 2015, Lion Shepherd started a month-long concert tour around Europe together with Riverside, consisting of twenty-two performances in eight countries. On the 20th of October 2015 the album Hiraeth became available to buy throughout Europe.
- Hiraeth (2015)
Band line-up:
- Mateusz Owczarek
- Kamil Haidar
and - Łukasz Adamczyk
- Łukasz Belcyr
- Piotr Podgórski